Disability Rights during the Corona virus Pandemic: Leave No One Behind

While Covid-19 has exposed the vulnerabilities of the disenfranchised in our country, once again the invisibility of persons with disability has come to the fore. India has over 150 million persons with disabilities (30 million with severe disabilities) approx. 120 million of senior citizens and 85 million super senior citizens, i.e. persons above the age of 80. Each of these three groups comprise persons with partial or complete dependency on others for their daily needs, mobility and access to resources and information. This is the case in normal times. In times of a lockdown this dependency, particularly with lack of access to caregivers, makes them vulnerable, and in many cases, completely incapacitated. “The aged need help to get around, to buy groceries, to resources and services, based on their mobility level, age related health conditions or debilitating co-morbidity. This is true for persons with disabilities, particularly those with mobility related disabilities, as well”...